Have you heard about bitcoin trading and how profitable it is?


What is bitcoin trading?

Bitcoin trading is how you can speculate on movements in the cryptocurrency’s price. While this has traditionally involved buying bitcoin through an exchange, hoping that its price will rise in time, cryptocurrency traders are increasingly using derivatives to speculate on both rising and falling prices – in order to make the most of bitcoin’s volatility.

With IG, you can take a position on the price of bitcoin with financial derivatives like CFDs. This product can enable you to take advantage of price movements in either direction without taking ownership of the underlying coins – meaning you won’t need to take responsibility for the security of any bitcoin tokens.

Learn what moves bitcoin’s price

To get in on a surging opportunity or short the latest bubble, you first need to understand the factors that have an impact on bitcoin’s price:

  • Bitcoin supply. The current bitcoin supply is capped at 21 million, which is expected to be exhausted by 2140. A finite supply means that the price of bitcoin could increase if demand rises in the coming years
  • Bad press. Any breaking news which concerns bitcoin’s security, value and longevity will have a negative effect on the coin’s overall market price
  • Integration. Bitcoin’s public profile depends on its integration into new payment systems and banking frameworks. If this is carried out successfully, demand might rise which will have a positive effect on bitcoin’s price
  • Key events. Regulation changes, security breaches and macroeconomic bitcoin announcements can all affect prices. Any agreement between users on how to speed the network up could also see confidence in bitcoin rise – pushing the price up

Pick a bitcoin trading style and strategy

How to day trade bitcoin

Day trading bitcoin means that you’ll open and close a position within one single trading day – so you won’t have any bitcoin market exposure overnight. This means that you’ll avoid overnight funding charges on your position. This strategy could be for you if you’re looking to profit from bitcoin’s short-term price movements, and it can enable you to make the most of daily volatility in bitcoin’s price.

How to trend trade bitcoin

Trend trading means taking a position which matches the current trend. For example, if the market is in a bullish trend, you’d go long and if the trend was bearish, you’d go short. If this trend started to slow or reverse, you’d think about closing your position and opening a new one to match the emerging trend.

Bitcoin trading

Bitcoin hedging strategy

Hedging bitcoin means mitigating your exposure to risk by taking an opposing position to one you already have open. You’d do this if you were concerned about the market moving against you. For example, if you owned some bitcoins but were concerned about a short-term drop in their value, you could open a short position on bitcoin with CFDs. If the market price of bitcoin falls, the gains on your short position would offset some or all of the losses on the coins you own.

Bitcoin trading: hedging

HODL bitcoin strategy

The ‘HODL’ bitcoin strategy involves buying and holding bitcoin. Its name derives from a misspelling of ‘hold’ on a popular cryptocurrency forum, and it is now often said to stand for ‘hold on for dear life’. However, this phrase shouldn’t be taken too seriously – you should only buy and hold bitcoin if you’ve got a positive outlook on its long-term price. If your research or trading plan indicates that you should sell your positions to take profit or limit loss, you should – or you could set stop losses to close your positions automatically.

How to trend trade bitcoin

Trend trading means taking a position which matches the current trend. For example, if the market is in a bullish trend, you’d go long and if the trend was bearish, you’d go short. If this trend started to slow or reverse, you’d think about closing your position and opening a new one to match the emerging trend.

Bitcoin trading

Bitcoin hedging strategy

Hedging bitcoin means mitigating your exposure to risk by taking an opposing position to one you already have open. You’d do this if you were concerned about the market moving against you. For example, if you owned some bitcoins but were concerned about a short-term drop in their value, you could open a short position on bitcoin with CFDs. If the market price of bitcoin falls, the gains on your short position would offset some or all of the losses on the coins you own.

Bitcoin trading: hedging

HODL bitcoin strategy

The ‘HODL’ bitcoin strategy involves buying and holding bitcoin. Its name derives from a misspelling of ‘hold’ on a popular cryptocurrency forum, and it is now often said to stand for ‘hold on for dear life’. However, this phrase shouldn’t be taken too seriously – you should only buy and hold bitcoin if you’ve got a positive outlook on its long-term price. If your research or trading plan indicates that you should sell your positions to take profit or limit loss, you should – or you could set stop losses to close your positions automatically.

How to trend trade bitcoin

Trend trading means taking a position which matches the current trend. For example, if the market is in a bullish trend, you’d go long and if the trend was bearish, you’d go short. If this trend started to slow or reverse, you’d think about closing your position and opening a new one to match the emerging trend.

Bitcoin trading

Bitcoin hedging strategy

Hedging bitcoin means mitigating your exposure to risk by taking an opposing position to one you already have open. You’d do this if you were concerned about the market moving against you. For example, if you owned some bitcoins but were concerned about a short-term drop in their value, you could open a short position on bitcoin with CFDs. If the market price of bitcoin falls, the gains on your short position would offset some or all of the losses on the coins you own.

Bitcoin trading: hedging

HODL bitcoin strategy

The ‘HODL’ bitcoin strategy involves buying and holding bitcoin. Its name derives from a misspelling of ‘hold’ on a popular cryptocurrency forum, and it is now often said to stand for ‘hold on for dear life’. However, this phrase shouldn’t be taken too seriously – you should only buy and hold bitcoin if you’ve got a positive outlook on its long-term price. If your research or trading plan indicates that you should sell your positions to take profit or limit loss, you should – or you could set stop losses to close your positions automatically.

Choose how you want to get exposure to bitcoin

There are a few different ways that you can get exposure to bitcoin:

Trading bitcoin derivatives with IGBuying bitcoin through an exchange
Cost to get exposure to 1 bitcoinMargin for retail clients is 50% of the total value of the coinFull cost of the coin
Short sellingYesNo – unless there is a willing counterparty
RegulationIG Group is a FTSE 250 company, and IG international is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary AuthorityNo dedicated regulatory body in place
Execution0.0014 second execution speed and access our unique deep liquidityDependent on exchange liquidity levels
Restrictions on funding and withdrawingNone, withdrawing or adding funds is free and instantYou may be charged fees and encounter restrictions on adding or withdrawing funds
Overnight funding chargeYesNo

Trading bitcoin derivatives

Trading bitcoin derivatives with us means that instead of owning bitcoin outright, you’ll be speculating on its price with CFDs. As a result, you’ll be able to take a position on bitcoin’s price rising by ‘going long’ or falling by ‘going short’. Here are other benefits of trading bitcoin derivatives with us:

  • Leverage and margin: CFDs are always traded with leverage, which means you’ll only have to put up a deposit – known as margin – to get full market exposure
  • Deep liquidity: thanks to our large client base, our bitcoin market is very liquid. This means you’re more likely to have your orders filled at your desired price – even if you deal in large sizes
  • Hedging: shorting with derivatives can be an effective way to hedge your portfolio and protect against market declines

The table below highlights the main benefits of CFD trading.

CFD trading
Main benefitsAbility to go long or short and is useful for hedging
Accessible toAll clients
Traded inContracts worth one bitcoin
PlatformsWeb platform, mobile trading app and MT4

Buying bitcoin through an exchange

Buying bitcoin through an exchange is mainly for those who use a buy-and-hold bitcoin strategy. This is because buying through an exchange means that you’re taking direct ownership of bitcoin – with the expectation that its price will rise.

That said, there are some problems with buying bitcoin through an exchange:

  • Bitcoin exchanges often lack proper regulation and the infrastructure needed to respond quickly to support requests
  • The matching engines and servers on bitcoin exchanges are often unreliable, which can result in the suspension of markets or reduced execution accuracy
  • Bitcoin exchanges often impose fees and restrictions on funding and withdrawing from your exchange account, while accounts themselves can take days to open

Crypto 10 Index

As well as trading bitcoin derivatives or buying coins directly from an exchange, you can trade Crypto 10 Index that gives you exposure to 10 major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in one single trade. This index speculates on these Cryptocurrencies and closely tracks or mirrors the underlying market price of them.

Decide whether to go long or short

Trading financial derivatives makes it possible to go both long or short, depending on the current market sentiment. Going long means that you expect bitcoin’s price to rise, and going short means that you expect the price to fall.

Set your stops and limits

Stops and limits are crucial risk management tools – and you have several to choose from when you trade with us:

  • Normal stops will close out your position at a set level, but they could be liable to slippage if the underlying market price changes quickly
  • Trailing stops follow favourable market movements to lock in profits, while capping your downside risk. However, they too can be subject to slippage
  • Guaranteed stops will close out your position at a set level, regardless of any slippage. Guaranteed stops are free to set, but you’ll be charged a fee if your guaranteed stop is triggered

These tools are all available to select via the deal ticket on our trading platform.

Open and monitor your trade

To open a bitcoin trade, you’d buy if you thought that the price was going to rise or sell if you thought the price was going to fall. Once your trade is open, you’ll need to monitor the market to make sure that it’s moving in the way you anticipated.

The technical indicators available on our trading platform can help you to determine what bitcoin’s price might do next. Indicators can also help you monitor current market conditions like volatility levels or market sentiment.

Close your position to take a profit or cut a loss

You can close your position whenever you like to take a profit, or to cut a loss that has reached a level that makes you uncomfortable. Your profits will be paid directly into your trading account, while your losses will be deducted from your account balance.

Crypto Capital

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